Polish Prodigy Podcast #4

For the third time, Brother Mark returns to the podcast to contribute his unique sensibilities...right. For a torrid discussion on Federer-Nadal, the All-Star Game, the British Open, the Pirates, Penguins and definitely not the Steelers, follow the instructions below.

To subscribe to the podcast, copy and paste this link (http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/UgrK) into your iTunes under the "Advanced" menu. Click on "Subscribe to Podcast" and paste the above URL there. Enjoy!


Brian Dalek said…
Good choice by playing The Clarks "Shimmy Low" for the break.
Brian Dalek said…
Barry Melrose with a hard-on. Thanks for that thought Mark.
Brian Dalek said…
No, Beijing is developed ... just TOO developed. I can't wait until they light the torch and the "Birds Nest" Stadium blows up.

Can I just do a running blog on your podcast?
Matt Gajtka said…
Nice, man. I enjoyed the running blog aspect of your posts!

Thank God you read this thing and listen to the podcasts...haha.

As always, I appreciate the feedback immensely!
Brian Dalek said…
What else am I going to do at work ... well, besides work.

Your going to have to tell me how you set up your podcast. I'd like to do one for my sporting news blog when I can use the equipment at WMUL.
Matt Gajtka said…
Sure thing, just email with any questions. It's a tiny bit complicated and I had to do some troubleshooting.